Thursday, March 29, 2007


Who Killed the Electric Car was, in my opinon, not the best of made movies. However the message was clear and I support it one hundred percent: The world needs cars like the EV 1's. The EV 1's were actually a well made vehicle with all the benifits of normal cars and even more because they ran soley on electricity. The down side of the cars, I felt, was that they could only cover small distances of land at a time so you would always have to be looking to see if you could make it to where you wanted to go, creating tension in the driver, thus making the drive less enjoyable! Back to the movie though, I felt like the narrator had a extremly "drone-like" voice and it was hard to keep focused. ( we even tried switching the movie but did not succeed) The one thing about the movie that kind of shocked me was the way GM just crushed all the EV's without at least trying to sell them to buying customers which, as was shown, were plentiful. I personally would buy an EV 1 because they seem like they would be a rather nice car to own, plus they help to decrease pollution dramatically. So to sum this all up Who Killed the Electric Car was one that I would not watch again, but I would still support the message it delivers: the world neede cars like the EV 1's and corporations such as GM Motors need to stand up to bullying oil companies and be ethical for once, support a GREEN CAR!!!


PJ said...

man i really disagree with you, this movie was so dull...i was not sucked into this movie at all, it didnt teach me anything because i couldnt freaken focuse on it...sorry

MzQbit said...

I suppose I felt that the movie was good BECAUSE I was so outraged about what GM did to their cars. I also wonder if I should have made sure that we watched the movie on a day that I was in class. Anyhow, you seem pretty riled up about the issue, and I think that's what is more important in the end - the issue. It is surprising that they wanted to destroy the cars - virtually pretending like they never existed. I'm still glad that I showed the movie since it sounds like you did get more out of the movie than you may realise ;)