Okay so this is my second post, and this one's got juice!!(for all u older people juice just means it's good..at least in my opinion.) Back in the day, people would listen to rock and roll to rebel and have fun. The parents of course hated this and would stop at nothing to discourge the act of listening to this horrible music. Sitting together at dinner parties they would complain on how the youth was just a bunch of rebels and how rock and roll would die out sooner or later. But then on the complete contary rock music blew up and pretty soon even the parents were enjoying a "You ain't nothing but a hound dog" by Elvis Presley. But now the new generation has picked up on a form of music that combines lifes experiences,lessons, and a beat to add rhythem, this type of music my friends is called hip-hop or rap. Rap was around a little in the 80's but really kicked of in the 90's with artists like the Beasti Boys, Vanilla Ice, Run DMC, Public Enemy and so many other rappers that made rap so mainstream with thier funky beats and lightheart lyrics. However nowadays there has been a lot of contraversy over rap music because artists like 50 Cent, The Game, Emenim, Lil' Wayne and other Gangsta rappers seem to be glorifying gang activity and promoting women as ho's and bitches. But I feel that these rappers are just rapping about their way of life and the shit they've been through, you know, and also isn't this just what parents and society did to their childeren back in the 70's? Take away what they didn't understand. Now you don't have to agree with me but what do you think is today's rap music having a negative impact on society?
Interesting post. It does seem that there is a cycle of teenagers loving music that their parents hate, and then becoming parents themselves, and complaining about the "noise" their kids are listening to. I wonder if it actually has to do with the sensitivity of our ears as we grow older - I know I personally prefer quieter music now than I did when I was 18. I also think that when I was a teenager some of the music I listened to I liked SPECIFICALLY because by parents didn't (Nine Inch Nails - played whenever I was really mad at them.)
Also, about this glorification of gansta life ... very controversial topic. Many people are worried about what kind of message young kids are getting about the realities of gangs. It would be nice to have artists rapping about staying in school and making good choices, but I suppose that doesn't sell records.
I like how you invited responses by ending your post with a question. Your blog is looking good!
For me personally... My parents and I share a general interest of their music. Like Elton John, The Eagles and Journey. I have grown up listening to it and I love it! Nothing beats the oldies. Although I do like mainstream music, yes I do believe people are influenced by the lyrics these gangster rappers are rapping about. Although it might not always be true, but what kind of young gangster, african american, down in the bronx wouldn't want to grow up to be just like 50? Those kids are going through the same things as these rappers, and telling them that its ok to deal drugs to get where you want to be. Thats not cool!
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