Monday, June 18, 2007

Bush's War On "Terror"

The war on terrorism, well not anymore. We all know that now the real threat is over, the iraq war is just a joke. The only reason we're still there is to bring american ways to iraqies, sorry to "civilize" them. Ever since we got there we have set up over thirty bases from which military services can be activated. Personally i feel that we have created more damage than we have fixed. We need to leave iraq and just go back home, let some of over, to many people have died that didn't need to and all for what, nothing, we didn't even get the oil that we wantred to get in the first PLACE!! But back on a serious note the war in Iraq is unnessary, and we should pull out. Let the childeren see thier parents again, alive and not in a casket, because so many have already had to deal with that reality and trust me it's not a nice thing to deal with. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!!!

The Usual Suspects

The Usual suspects is one of those movies that'll keep you guessing untill the very end. The movie opens with a man lying down and another man standing over him with a gun the man on the ground looks up and mutters one word, Keysr Soze, then a gun shot. After that scene the film starts back at the beginning with five men, well five criminals being arrested. These five men will stay in your mind long after the movie is over. With all the unique twists and turns throughout the movie, it makes a great film. The movie will defintly keep you wondering just who Keyser Soze is, and when you finally do find out it is guarunteed to blow your mind. This movie was one of the best "whodunit's" i've ever seen and i strongly recommened seeing it, just for the pure entertainment it brings, after just one time watching it, you'll have to watch at least three more times just to soak up the whole greatness of it!! The Usual Suspects, defiently NOT the Usual movie two thumbs WAAYY up, 9 out of 10 stars. SEE THIS MOVIE!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Underground Rap Scene

Blood, Sweat, and Tears the three things that all underground rappers have in common. You all know that mainstream rap is mostly about the big bass beats and repetitive hooks and this can get boring because after awhile they all sound the same! However undeground rappers add a raw element that people can really relate to. Taken that they do sometimes rap about guns and shit, they only say those thing when there's a meaning behind it. Garcia (on the left) is a rapper that is making a name for himself through sounds like "Come and Get it" and "Darkest Dayz". His song Darkest Dayz you really feel the pain of his people and in some cases can relate to the trials and tribulations that he has undergone. I've put a link to that song so check it out and be prepared cuz it is very heart felt. These underground rappers just have so much pain built up inside of them and when they speak they preach their feelings and everyone,no matter what colour,race,sex or age, everyone listens because when someone is emptying thier hearts out, respect makes you listen. I strongly reccomend checking out Garcia because he is defientley on the rise and his songs are so good that they just blow you away every listen!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith: Why So Famous

The trouble I find with Anna is that she was not actually that famous or well known, except maybe from Playboy, of course I only know she's in Playboy from a..friend! But anyway why is it that as soon as Anna died her celeb status shot through the roof!! It's like we (the population of non-celebs) just had nothing better to do with our lives and thought "oh a shady celeb dies lets broadcast her life story over the course of a couple months!" Or it could just be that humans have a natural intrest in the misfortune of others and /or gossip and I mean the juicy stuff, not like "hey did you know doug just got a dog?" I mean like "Anna Nicole smith's son just died", then a couple weeks later she overdoses and every wanna-be daddy tries to claim they were the father of her recently born baby. I personally have had no actual intrest in the whole Anna Nicole Smith gossip but it seems the whole of North America has, with over half of all T.V broadcasts featuring Anna Nicole, even the family Guy has a reference to Anna. In my opion Anna Nicole Smith was a sleezy chick that got rich off of sex and should not have gotten so famous any prostitute could do what Anna has acomplished in her lifetime. Of course no disrespect and rest in peace Anna!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Graffitti In Cities- Loath It or Love It

Throughout recent years there has been much debate as to whether or not graffitti should be kept in cities as part of the scenery. Graffitti artists pride themselfs on their work and most of the paintings they produce are quite amazing, (just take a look at the painting above!) Major cities such as Chicago are known for the artwork the posses, in fact in some cases the graffitti is a main tourist attraction. I personally belive that the graffitti in cites is a huge part of the personality that the population in that certain city has, the paintings are part of the culture of suburban life and without it the towns and cities would be a dull stretch of buildings with no actually appeal. In this matter there is only two sides I find either you love it and support it one hundred percent or you hate it and fund the government to get rid of it. I'm on the loving side, I mean just check out the top pic that painting is dope!!

This is a piece that someone tagged on the Berlin Wall before it was smashed, The time and energy spent in doing these things is so crazy that I don't even think I could stand around and watch someone paint it on the wall let alone paint it myself!! However my respects go out to these guys (and girls) because thier talent is just so crazy!!
I only have one thing to say to the fact that the government is making an effort to help stop the destruction of these pieces of art: ABOUT TIME!!!! In my humble opinon (lol) graffitti should be viewed as the cities personality and left alone just because you can't draw and paint as good as these artists don't hate they got mad skillz!! Do you think the graffitti in cities should be left alone or not.
P.S. If not why the NOT!!!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Who Killed the Electric Car was, in my opinon, not the best of made movies. However the message was clear and I support it one hundred percent: The world needs cars like the EV 1's. The EV 1's were actually a well made vehicle with all the benifits of normal cars and even more because they ran soley on electricity. The down side of the cars, I felt, was that they could only cover small distances of land at a time so you would always have to be looking to see if you could make it to where you wanted to go, creating tension in the driver, thus making the drive less enjoyable! Back to the movie though, I felt like the narrator had a extremly "drone-like" voice and it was hard to keep focused. ( we even tried switching the movie but did not succeed) The one thing about the movie that kind of shocked me was the way GM just crushed all the EV's without at least trying to sell them to buying customers which, as was shown, were plentiful. I personally would buy an EV 1 because they seem like they would be a rather nice car to own, plus they help to decrease pollution dramatically. So to sum this all up Who Killed the Electric Car was one that I would not watch again, but I would still support the message it delivers: the world neede cars like the EV 1's and corporations such as GM Motors need to stand up to bullying oil companies and be ethical for once, support a GREEN CAR!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

If there is one thing that Canada actually needs it's another big Canadian rapper. I mean most people don't think Canadian's can actually spit, partly because they don't think we actually have anything good to say. Thinking we only can rap about igloo's and maple syrup but the truth is we have a lot of good MC's that don't get radio play based on the fact that thier Canadian. I personally have a little flow myself and am making beats and writing lyrics relatating to and around my life.(of course I have some club bangers but you know, how you supposed to plan on getting club play IF YOU GOT NO CLUB BANGERS!!!) But anyway I'm a very strong believer in bringing the Canadian hip-hop scene to America. Artists such as Classified and Belly are making a huge impact on the Canadian hip hop scene getting recognition to the world that canandian rappers aren't jokes and that they have the same (and maybe better) talent that US artist's hold. What do you guys think, should Canada have more respect for our rappers and what are some other talents that have been shuned upon because of a Canadian nationality( or more over any nationality) ?

Alright so this is one of the extremly funny pics I have found in my travels on the internet. So what do you think? feel free to rate, personally I give it a 8 out of 10.

This is in tribute to the oringinal gangsta's:
Suge Knight
Snoop Dogg

Monday, March 26, 2007

So you all know that, for me, comedy is DA SHIT!!! But in praticular stand up comedians like Russell Peters make the tears run free. Over the weekend I was watching Russel's Comedy Now tour and just couldn't stop laughing. Here is a little snipet from his routine Outsourced : " see I don't have a cool Indian name, if I did i would rock it proudly, but I don't.[at this point he starts asking the crowd for their names if they are Indian. Someone shouts out Enite, pronounced A-neat without missing a beat Russell replies] You see, you see that is A NEAT name!" Of course Russell Peters is of Indian decent so all his jokes are taken non-personal. Eddie Griffen is also extremley hilarious. He's an actor yes, but he also does some stand up, and when he does you best have a side surgeon in the room with you because your sides are gonna split!!! Infact my favorite movie, Undercover Brother has Eddie in it and trust me when I say: that Movie never gets old! If you ever need a good laugh rent (or better yet BUY) this movie!! So anyway humour is the medicine of life without we'd all be scrouges.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gangsta Rap's Influence on Today's Generation

Okay so this is my second post, and this one's got juice!!(for all u older people juice just means it's least in my opinion.) Back in the day, people would listen to rock and roll to rebel and have fun. The parents of course hated this and would stop at nothing to discourge the act of listening to this horrible music. Sitting together at dinner parties they would complain on how the youth was just a bunch of rebels and how rock and roll would die out sooner or later. But then on the complete contary rock music blew up and pretty soon even the parents were enjoying a "You ain't nothing but a hound dog" by Elvis Presley. But now the new generation has picked up on a form of music that combines lifes experiences,lessons, and a beat to add rhythem, this type of music my friends is called hip-hop or rap. Rap was around a little in the 80's but really kicked of in the 90's with artists like the Beasti Boys, Vanilla Ice, Run DMC, Public Enemy and so many other rappers that made rap so mainstream with thier funky beats and lightheart lyrics. However nowadays there has been a lot of contraversy over rap music because artists like 50 Cent, The Game, Emenim, Lil' Wayne and other Gangsta rappers seem to be glorifying gang activity and promoting women as ho's and bitches. But I feel that these rappers are just rapping about their way of life and the shit they've been through, you know, and also isn't this just what parents and society did to their childeren back in the 70's? Take away what they didn't understand. Now you don't have to agree with me but what do you think is today's rap music having a negative impact on society?
Hey, what up!! So this is my zone for the most interesting conversations on the face of the earth, so if you ain't got nothing I should look into then why you on my blog fool!!! LOL, anyway this is my first time blogging so I don't really have much to say in this little intro so I think I'm a just put funny pics down here and ya'll can rate them on most funny 2 least funny.(p.s if you guys have any jokes that are actually funny put 'em down cuz it's been ages since I last heard a funny joke!)