Monday, March 26, 2007

So you all know that, for me, comedy is DA SHIT!!! But in praticular stand up comedians like Russell Peters make the tears run free. Over the weekend I was watching Russel's Comedy Now tour and just couldn't stop laughing. Here is a little snipet from his routine Outsourced : " see I don't have a cool Indian name, if I did i would rock it proudly, but I don't.[at this point he starts asking the crowd for their names if they are Indian. Someone shouts out Enite, pronounced A-neat without missing a beat Russell replies] You see, you see that is A NEAT name!" Of course Russell Peters is of Indian decent so all his jokes are taken non-personal. Eddie Griffen is also extremley hilarious. He's an actor yes, but he also does some stand up, and when he does you best have a side surgeon in the room with you because your sides are gonna split!!! Infact my favorite movie, Undercover Brother has Eddie in it and trust me when I say: that Movie never gets old! If you ever need a good laugh rent (or better yet BUY) this movie!! So anyway humour is the medicine of life without we'd all be scrouges.

1 comment:

sallyspaghetti said...

yeah i love undercover brother. its SUCH a funny movie ! Eddie Griffin is pretty much always funny. Dave chappell is another comedian whose really funny, you would probably like him if you like Eddie Griffin etc.