Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Underground Rap Scene

Blood, Sweat, and Tears the three things that all underground rappers have in common. You all know that mainstream rap is mostly about the big bass beats and repetitive hooks and this can get boring because after awhile they all sound the same! However undeground rappers add a raw element that people can really relate to. Taken that they do sometimes rap about guns and shit, they only say those thing when there's a meaning behind it. Garcia (on the left) is a rapper that is making a name for himself through sounds like "Come and Get it" and "Darkest Dayz". His song Darkest Dayz you really feel the pain of his people and in some cases can relate to the trials and tribulations that he has undergone. I've put a link to that song so check it out and be prepared cuz it is very heart felt. These underground rappers just have so much pain built up inside of them and when they speak they preach their feelings and everyone,no matter what colour,race,sex or age, everyone listens because when someone is emptying thier hearts out, respect makes you listen. I strongly reccomend checking out Garcia because he is defientley on the rise and his songs are so good that they just blow you away every listen!!


MzQbit said...

I have a feeling you might find slam poetry interesting. Check out some of these links. http://www.capitalslam.com/links/
when you get a chance.

MzQbit said...

Also, I really liked Darkest Dayz. I'd like to learn how to put music on my blog - it really adds another layer to the format. Great work

sallyspaghetti said...

if its like slam poetry, then it sounds pretty cool, cause i actually like slam poetry also. im sure its better than alot of pop rap, with, like you said, meaningless hooks and repetitive lyrics.